A School Activity That I Enjoyed



Ping Pong


This year I really enjoyed playing ping pong in PE because I play ping pong at home and love it. Ping pong is a fun game to play even if you don’t have a real table like I do. In PE we used normal tables and cardboard net. This wasn’t nearly as real as it would make it in normal ping pong. These ping pong tables had 2 tables connected for doubles making it about as big as a normal ping pong table but had a crack down the middle making it hard to play. In singles the table was thin making it also hard to hit onto the table. Even with these troubles it was still fun to play. During PE we played tournaments. We played singles and doubles. On the first day, we played doubles and the next day we played singles. I played doubles with Connor. During doubles we won all but one which we tied and in singles I won 5/7 matches.